Cool Prop Ideas to Further Spookify Your Halloween Haunts – Get In Costume

Halloween Costumes

Cool Prop Ideas to Further Spookify Your Halloween Haunts



Here are some creative ideas to make your house or apartment even scarier this Halloween!

Adult Halloween PartyDripping blood, bloodcurdling screams and perhaps a rotting corpse are all fun things to have around this time of year! You might rig a drip from your doorway eaves to a bucket near the door, using colored water to collect in the bucket, which you come and collect to reuse later. You could have screams recorded and playing all night, as well as many other spooky sounds, like creaky doors, a frightening dialogue, (“Have you seen those children?!? They look pretty tasty to me!!”) or a scary music soundtrack.

Consider putting a bloodied up chainsaw near the door. Take care to disable it so it cannot be used.

Bones, skeletons and skulls are lovely decorations to make your entranceway an inviting and warm haunt.

Perhaps a foggy welcome, using a fog machine or a dry ice concoction would be in order. Take care to make sure you use dry ice safely, as it can cause burns. (But it’s so dang fun!)

A bubbling cauldron (preferably not hot!) will add a witch’s touch to your proceedings.

Dotting your landscape with a few well-thought out tombstones can’t hurt!

Have goblins flying over your home. Put light sticks into black balloons and tether them over your house. This will only work well if it’s pretty dark and there is really little to no wind.

Spider webs can give any house a creepy look.

These are but a few ideas. What are some of your favorites?


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