How To Pick A Great Pumpkin for Carving – Get In Costume

Halloween Ideas

How To Pick A Great Pumpkin for Carving



There’s a few things to know about choosing that perfect pumpkin for your Halloween Jack O’ Lanterns and other carvings this fall. Let’s look at some of what you’ll want to keep in mind.

Pumpkin PatchUsually, medium-sized pumpkins are best for carving. Try and find prospects that have few nicks or cuts, have no bruises and are robustly orange, indicating ripeness. Try not to carry a pumpkin by its stem, as it can easily snap off, leaving you with no handle! If this does happen, however, consider using the bottom as your opening.

If you’re using a stencil for making your design, make sure your pumpkin is large enough to accommodate it. If you’re going to do this freehand, at least do yourself a favor and sketch out what you intend beforehand, so you don’t end up going through several pumpkins! There are a few items to have on hand: a good paring knife and a good boning knife, a few spoons of varying sizes for gutting the pumpkin and candle holders for the eventual lighting job.

Take your time in choosing the right pumpkins for your Halloween decorations. Then take as much time in planning the carving and you’ll soon find yourself staring at great looking Jack O’ Lanterns this year!